Dr. Herre with his family

Dr. Tim Herre

Dr. Tim founded Herre Holistic Dental KC after growing frustrated seeing the chronic disease that plagues so many Americans. As a holistic, biological dentist he looks beyond the mouth and connects the dots between whole body health.
Treat The Cause, Not The Symptom

Far too often, chronic stress, inflammation, and a poorly functioning airway are the basis of many of our modern healthcare problems. For many Americans, our modern healthcare system is set up to monitor or manage a patient’s symptoms versus a holistic approach that aims to treat the root cause of disease. This holistic approach is what Dr. Tim wants for his own family and it is the motivation behind him seeking out training and knowledge to help those seeking similar care sharing the whole body health philosophy.

Ask Why

Dental cavities, ADHD, sleep apnea, obesity, diabetes and hypertension have all become so common in America that most people don’t stop to ask why this is. Why does my child need braces? Why do I have a cavity? Why do I need a machine (CPAP) to sleep at night? These are all modern medical problems we consider to be “normal”. This is not acceptable to Dr. Tim and the team at Herre Holistic Dental KC.

We know what is happening with the health of adults and children; but is it preventable? Dr. Tim believes it is by focusing on the growth and development of our kids. This has become his passion seeing kids early in life starting at the age of 2-3 years, and now even infants. If we are able to give kids the foundation for long term health through guided growth of the jaws and face, room for all the teeth to come in straight, and a large, healthy airway, we may be able to prevent them from becoming adults with sleep apnea, TMJ, obesity, cavities, etc. How is this so? A dentist in the 1930s, Dr. Weston Price, traveled the world and found common characteristics in healthy populations. This is the information that will guide your treatment within Herre Holistic Dental KC.

Collaborative Care

One of Dr. Tim’s goals within Herre Holistic Dental KC is creating a collaborative environment between many health care practitioners. With proper communication between those providing your treatment, the more personalized your treatment will be.

Treat The Cause, Not The Symptom

Far too often, chronic stress, inflammation, and a poorly functioning airway are the basis of many of our modern healthcare problems. For many Americans, our modern healthcare system is set up to monitor or manage a patient’s symptoms versus a holistic approach that aims to treat the root cause of disease. This holistic approach is what Dr. Tim wants for his own family and it is the motivation behind him seeking out training and knowledge to help those seeking similar care sharing the whole body health philosophy.

Ask Why

Dental cavities, ADHD, sleep apnea, obesity, diabetes and hypertension have all become so common in America that most people don’t stop to ask why this is. Why does my child need braces? Why do I have a cavity? Why do I need a machine (CPAP) to sleep at night? These are all modern medical problems we consider to be “normal”. This is not acceptable to Dr. Tim and the team at The Breathe to Thrive Center.

We know what is happening with the health of adults and children; but is it preventable? Dr. Tim believes it is by focusing on the growth and development of our kids. This has become his passion seeing kids early in life starting at the age of 2-3 years, and now even infants. If we are able to give kids the foundation for long term health through guided growth of the jaws and face, room for all the teeth to come in straight, and a large, healthy airway, we may be able to prevent them from becoming adults with sleep apnea, TMJ, obesity, cavities, etc. How is this so? A dentist in the 1930s, Dr. Weston Price, traveled the world and found common characteristics in healthy populations. This is the information that will guide your treatment within The Breath to Thrive Center.

Collaborative Care

One of Dr. Tim’s goals within The Breathe to Thrive Center is creating a collaborative environment between many health care practitioners. With proper communication between those providing your treatment, the more personalized your treatment will be.


What sets Dr. Tim apart? Asking the question ‘WHY’ and listening to your story! This allows you to have choices with your treatment, and you can play a role in determining what is best for you or your child. The following are some of the personalized treatments that Dr. Tim provides:
Biologically safe dentistry
This includes removing mercury fillings with Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique (SMART) and using no metal or toxic products.
For kids ages 5 and up, Dr. Tim will provide early orthodontic intervention

This could be with removable growth guides or palate expanders.

Tongue tie/lip tie releases using a CO2 Light Scalpel laser
This can be done on infants to help with nursing, as well as kids and adults.

Dr. Tim is the only person in the Kansas City metro area with 1 on 1 surgical tongue tie training with Dr. Soroush Zaghi from The Breathe Institute in Los Angeles.

Growth and development of kids
Dr. Tim starts seeing kids at age 2-3 for screening for removable growth guides. These are often called habit correctors. Dr. Tim is certified through Healthy Start and Vivos to provide this treatment.
Orthodontics using Invisalign”

Clear removable aligners or the Damon System fixed braces.

Airway treatment

Airway treatment using sleep appliances, jaw expanders and other non-invasive, innovative treatments like lip taping, nasal breathing Buteyko style exercises, and myofunctional therapy.

Biologically safe dentistry

This includes removing mercury fillings with Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique (SMART) and using no metal or toxic products.

Growth and development of kids

Dr. Tim starts seeing kids at age 2-3 for screening for removable growth guides. These are often called habit correctors. Dr. Tim is certified through Healthy Start and Vivos to provide this treatment.

For kids ages 5 and up, Dr. Tim will provide early orthodontic intervention

This could be with removable growth guides or palate expanders.

Orthodontics using Invisalign

Clear removable aligners or the Damon System fixed braces.

Tongue tie/lip tie releases using a CO2 Light Scalpel laser
This can be done on infants to help with nursing, as well as kids and adults.

Dr. Tim is the only person in the Kansas City metro area with 1 on 1 surgical tongue tie training with Dr. Soroush Zaghi from The Breathe Institute in Los Angeles.

Airway treatment

Airway treatment using sleep appliances, jaw expanders and other non-invasive, innovative treatments like lip taping, nasal breathing Buteyko style exercises, and myofunctional therapy.


Health is rarely a straight forward path. In connecting his own dots, Dr. Tim has learned and grown by becoming involved with great organizations, classes and mentors.

Here is a list of some of those who have contributed along the way and the certifications acquired while developing these mentorships:

  • American Dental Association; Kansas Dental Association; 5th District Dental Society
  • Fellow in the American College of Dentists
  • International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology
  • Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique (SMART) Certified
  • American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine
  • American Laser Study Club
  • Vivos Integrated Practice
  • Dr. Tim is a Clinical Advisor with Vivos Therapeutics
  • Healthy Start Orthodontics Certified Provider
  • Invisalign Orthodontics Certified Provider
  • The Breathe Institute Baby Ambassador
  • The Breathe Institute Graduate and Airway Ambassador
  • A functional approach to breathing, sleep, growth and frenuloplasty
  • Alabama Tongue Tie Center Graduate
  • Dr. Felix Liao – Holistic Airway Mouth Doctor Graduate
  • The Stewart Center for Minimally Invasive Dental Medicine Graduate
  • OBI Foundation For Bioesthetic Dentistry Graduate
  • American Dental Association; Kansas Dental Association; 5th District Dental Society
  • Fellow in the American College of Dentists
  • International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology
  • Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique (SMART) Certified
  • American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine
  • American Laser Study Club
  • Vivos Integrated Practice
  • Dr. Tim is a Clinical Advisor with Vivos Therapeutics
  • Healthy Start Orthodontics Certified Provider
  • Invisalign Orthodontics Certified Provider
  • The Breathe Institute Baby Ambassador
  • The Breathe Institute Graduate and Airway Ambassador
  • A functional approach to breathing, sleep, growth and frenuloplasty
  • Alabama Tongue Tie Center Graduate
  • Dr. Felix Liao – Holistic Airway Mouth Doctor Graduate
  • The Stewart Center for Minimally Invasive Dental Medicine Graduate
  • OBI Foundation For Bioesthetic Dentistry Graduate
The Breathe Institute Affiliate Badge




What It Means to be Holistic
What It Means to be Holistic
Dr. Herre offers insight into his mission as a holistic dentist.
Breathe to Thrive Method

Amazing care!!! They were able to get me in when I couldn’t get in to see where my Family Dentist referred. That location referred me to Dental Health by Herre. Dr. Herre was extremely thorough and very concerned about my oral health. I would recommend this to anyone!!

Tracy M.
Leawood, KS


Herre Holistic Dental KC

11201 Nall Avenue
Suite 120
Leawood, KS 66211


Monday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday: 7:00am - 3:00pm